The safety and wellbeing of our Clients and Carers is our first responsibility, and we're proud of the service we offer to the people who rely on us.
Don't take our word for it though!
Have a read through our Client Testimonials , just a selection of the hundreds of people we've helped since 2012.
Our latest CQC report recognised the outstanding work done by our team. Here's a little of what they said...
"People were supported by staff who promoted their independence, respected their dignity and maintained their privacy."
"Care plans reflected people's individual needs and preferences and were regularly reviewed to ensure that they continued to meet people's needs."
"Risks to people had been assessed and reviewed regularly to ensure people’s individual needs were being met safely."
"Recruitment processes were robust to make sure people were cared for by suitable staff. There were sufficient numbers of staff deployed to meet people’s needs and to keep them safe from harm."
"People told us the service was well-led and managed by an effective and organised management team."
You can read our latest CQC report in full here.